Quantum State of the World
How Quantum Computing Helps Discover the Entanglement of Everything
in the Age of Quantum AI
A research project aiming to provide the first systematic exploration of the social and ethical significance of Quantum AI through three lenses: technology narratives, decision-making processes, and legal implications.
Quantum Education Poster at EQTC 2024
Our research team will present new findings on quantum technology narratives at EQTC 2024 in Lisbon! The poster examines how quantum education is discussed across media, business and policy sectors, based on an analysis of over 2,800 documents. We've uncovered striking contrasts in how different sectors approach quantum technology education and workforce development, with implications for future policy and industry planning.
If you're attending the conference (November 18-20), come discuss our findings on preparing society for the quantum future! You can preview our poster here to learn more about the trends we've identified in quantum technology discourse.
New Article: Quantum & AI Narrative in NZZ and The Quantum Insider
We are happy to share a new article titled "Die spukhaften Erzählungen über KI und Quantencomputer" published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Based on our latest research, we explore the cultural narratives that shape the fields of quantum computing and artificial intelligence.
An English version is available here on The Quantum Insider. Enjoy the read and we look forward to hearing your thoughts!